Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Whole Lot of Crazy

I had it all planned out, the little 23mm f2 Fujinon lens was going to be my little gift to me. I've been working every day since October 24. Originally, my plan was to save enough to buy a new camera, new lights, the mentioned lens, and to retrieve what is still in pawn, but certain fortunate things did not happen and certain unfortunate things did happen. Sadly, a seven-day work week isn't enough for me to save a dime and in fact, I am still in debt. I thought I had this, though, the $495 to gift myself that itty bitty bundle of metal and glass, the minuscule kick in the ass of motivation I desperately need to hit the streets even harder, camera in hand.

Yeah, I know, suck it up, sometimes you can't get what you want, don't make excuses for your inaction, you've been through worse, a least you can pay rent, you are not starving, and thinking about what could have been won't get you anywhere. I know! But I let myself get excited. I had this thing to look forward to in the abysmal dream sucker that is my life and now I don't. You need that sometimes. A carrot dangling in front of your drooling mouth only works for a bit. Eventually, you stop chasing it unless you're given the occasional nibble. I just wanted a nibble.

I have been lucky, some would say. If you look at all of the second chances I have been granted then you are correct. I managed to raise some money due to the kindness of strangers. That was enough to get my gear out of the pawn shop, but immediately following that gust of good fortune was a tidal wave shit storm of mishaps, fumbles, and bad people doing bad things to me which resulted in a need to once again pawn my gear. Then I landed a decent job. Sure it is seven days a week and at first, it was way more than full time. It was supposed to be enough to put a bit aside and start my life off on a good foot, prepared for any type of photo work (the kind that I could make money doing), ahead on bills, and even a real suit that fits and is not falling apart at the seams. Nope. Nada. Did not happen. My delicately assembled house of cards crumbled and I can say that it was not my fault. Really? Can I? Oh, but everything is my fault. Doing the right thing, being patient, is not enough. Expecting from others what they expect out of me is obviously a huge mistake.

I always say that I will never make this mistake again when I make huge mistakes and when people treat me poorly I swear I will start treating them the same. I don't do either of these. I can't put myself first and I can't fuck people over even though they may deserve it. I know they would not put up with me if I was anything less than I am. I am a push over. That is the label you deserve when you are considerate, understanding, forgiving, and generous. Those are the traits of a loser.

Think about people who win. It can be at sports, business, relationships, and anything else. The people who win are cut throat. They do for themselves at any cost. They don't slow down to pick up the fallen. They don't give the big account to the guy who is struggling to make a dime. They don't tell the truth if it makes the other guy look good and they look bad. They are backstabbers, cheats, liars, and shit talkers. They exude confidence, bravado, heightened masculinity, and lack empathy. My nature is to empathize irrationally, give until I am broke, and then I secretly expect some karmic reward for good behavior. The reward is not what motivates me. I am always punished with a rotting ache in my belly when I walk against my cursed good nature. It's not that I am a good person, really, but if I act any other way I get sick. I have acted poorly. I did so for quite a length of time and it did nearly kill me in a real way. This "do the right thing" shit is manifesting itself in a mountain of resentment towards those who don't return the courtesy. I guess, that is how I know I am not a good person. If I was good I would not mind the suffering. But I mind, I mind like a motherfucker!

My expectations are lingering, haunting, venomous, and ultimately silly. It is left over from the child I was. The idea that if you are good to others they, in turn, will be good to you. The idea that life is fair. This, we all know, is bullshit. In no way do I believe that but the sting is there. When that action, which I know to be entirely of fiction, does not occur I am left in two--saddened and betrayed. I want that psychotic sense of entitlement to die already. I hate that part of me. He's ugly and stupid. I don't do anything for a reward. That is not my motivation, I swear, but it feels like it is because the pain is real. I guess it is not a sense of entitlement. The anger doesn't say, "I deserve my share of good stuff, where is it?" It is more like a whimpering, "please, just a taste, can I have an itty bitty taste, please? I promise I'll do even more. I will never stop sacrificing my happiness for others, but just for a second could I see the beauty, feel the warm air, taste the sugar, know the sensation of a day without fear, sadness, discomfort, and this nagging emptiness pulling me into the darkness?", yeah, it's more like that.

Understand this, though, if you understand nothing else: I realize that what where who and how I am is not that bad hard or unbearable I could easily give up on my dreams and do the living breathing going through the motions this is what life is so enjoy what is on television tonight learn to watch sports at the bar with your new buddies while drinking cheap beer and after awhile you will save up enough money to buy a reasonable car and you'll get your credit in good enough shape to buy a reasonable house someone will love you enough to want to be your wife this could be your life easily and it won't happen overnight but if you stop wanting to take photographs with meaning and feeling that people will see and if you stop trying to help people and if you stop caring about total strangers then you could easily find a spot at the table of mediocrity it is a huge table with plenty of seating so why don't you just sit down and quit the griping for you know that every problem you have is your own your fault your doing therefore all of your pain is your fault your doing therefore you are always in complete control of all and you are the biggest obstacle in the way of your happiness for you know it really is not that bad you are not a suffering soul it really is not that bad it really is not that bad really it is not. 










There is the frustrating part of this. You know what you are feeling is irrational and wrong but it still feels like it could kill you, and it still hinders your ability to do those usual things you shouldn't have trouble doing. There really is not anything wrong. That is what everyone thinks about everyone who is exactly like me. There are millions of us. We all feel pain and on top of the hurting is the humiliation that we are this weak and stupid to be susceptible to What? Depression? Mental illness? 

We all say we believe in these things and that we know their effects. We ignore those who suffer, though, and treat them as if they are well. We tell them to cheer up 
knowing that words do not heal illness. We don't walk up to paraplegics and tell them to stand up? We don't treat the mentally ill like sick people. Unless you are balls to the wall, throwing your poop, wearing a tin foil hat crazy, or you have a shotgun in between your teeth, we tell you to get over it. 
Now, I don't know what my diagnosis is anymore. I've been labeled a lot of things. I've been in hospitals and I have seen doctors. I have been on more medications than I can name. I know that most psychiatrists, the ones you get when you are poor, suck. They write you a script after talking to you for two minutes and tell you to come back in a month. Psychologists of the same brand seem to let you say whatever you want and then blame your childhood and offer the solution of finding another psychologist that you can see once a week. They never know of one that takes your insurance, mos def not one that does free work, and the price range for a bargin-basement-associate-degree-carrying-I-mean-fuck-my-guidance-counselor-in-high-school-had-a-masters-and-he-was-a-dufus-"therapist" is still $70 an hour. I can't afford $70 a week, and I don't want that person giving me advice anyway. I want a doctor. I want someone who has really studied mental illness. If I am sick I want a doctor. Why is that so hard to understand? Then there is the whole, "Well if I am sick how come you expect me to work like everyone else, live like everyone else, and be fine without treatment?" 

The truth is that no one believes you. 

"You are lazy. You have been your whole life. You are weak and you have been ever since I have known you. You are pathetic and I am sick of hearing the same shit over and over. You always have the same problems. Do something about it and quit making excuses. Get a normal job. Learn how to be happy like everyone else. It's about time you straighten out your life and start behaving like an adult. I know you. You are just trying to be different. You are trying to get attention and you want people to feel sorry for you. I can't take this anymore. Bye."

The mentally ill are the only sick people that it is okay to walk out on after telling them to, basically, get better by sheer will power. They are the only people who get blamed for being sick. I mean, there is a whole billion dollar industry of FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of mental illness, so it is a real thing. As real as cancer. Try calling in to work with depression or borderline personality disorder, I dare you. That is it, though, you are definitely ill, and it's serious, in some cases proven to be life threatening, but you are supposed to walk around, act normal, be normal, go to work, smile, and be fine. You know just fucking be fine you sick fuck. Be not sick anymore now. You are getting on my nerves with your illness, god damn it. All I am doing is being irrational. I need to be practical. I hear that a lot. I think that a lot. But I don't know what I need. How could I? I don't know what I am? Everyone seems to think there is something wrong with me from doctors to my family and friends but nothing is too wrong, because why? Because I am not quite batshit crazy? Because I am not homeless? Because I am not dead? That is the really sad thing about mental illness. No one takes shit seriously until someone fucking dies. Then everyone says the same thing, "she could have come to me for help. Why didn't she tell someone?" Fuck you. What would you do if someone came to you and said, "I think there is something wrong with me. I feel sad all the time and I don't want to go to work or get out of bed. Nothing makes me feel better." or "I can't handle even the slightest bit of stress, I nearly black out at work. I assume everyone hates me and I think they are trying to ruin my life. I even think this about you. I can't trust anyone and I want to lock myself in a closet." What would you do for that person? Nothing. You would brush it off because that is just what "crazy Judy" does or "paranoid Frank", and they will be fine. Until they are not. Oh well. But that is what we tell ourselves, too. It is not just the well misunderstanding the sick. We, the sick, don't understand ourselves. I think that I will be okay until I am not. That is how I deal with whatever this is. I will be fine until I am not. It's not much of a solution. 

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