Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Dream, A Nightmare? What's the Difference?

What did we expect to happen? Why were we surprised? And let's get something straight right now, when I say "we" I mean YOU, not me. I am not a fool. I am not easily entertained. I don't listen to what anyone says, much less The News. I hate The News, and of course, I mean main-stream-media; your household talking heads blurting teleprompter prose like vomit from freshmen the first Friday of football season. YOU listen to them. YOU love it; the infotainment they polish and feed you as News. It's bullshit. All of it. There is not a single decent journalist on staff on any U.S. television station, and if Trump is elected president then they should be punished for treason. They have done the masses a tremendous tanned orange baseball glove tang cotton candy haired monster of an injustice. The men and women behind the curtain know that Americans are dumb as dogshit and will eat any slop you shove in their fat fucking faces. And Trump has all the dogshit one could ever eat. All they had to do was ignore the bastard. He would have gone away, but No! the maggots need their money. You need ratings to get money. You have to keep people watching; tuning in to see the latest, greatest, up-to-date, awful spewage emanating from that moron's mangled mouth. It's a networks wet dream. Finally, it is proper to put Jerry Springer type etiquette on prime time. Finally, the gloves of decency can come off and they can give Americans what they want in News. Entertainment! A Show! An Act! A Clown! The best part is that no one will complain because it is the race for the presidential office. What could be more relevant and official?

What should the media have done? Report on the losers? They would not have to. The candidates who fell away, who perished, who failed did so because not a single reporter paid attention to any of them. The only questions they were asked were of the "did you hear what Trump said?" variety. That is all they did until no one knew what any of them stood for, their names, faces, anything at all. You focused in on Trump. He dominated late night tv, morning tv, talk radio, NPR, CNN, FOX, blah, blah, on and on. If it was made in America it was 24-7 Trump nation, and what a shame. Look where we are now! There is a chance he could win, and that won't be bad. If Trump is elected president it will not be four years of shitty policies, and silly bullshit we all roll our eyes over. If he is President of the United States of America this ship, this amazing democratic nation, this one-of-a-kind trendsetting world leader comes to a halt. The super power stops. The good-guy is no more. We will become the world's enemy. And he may not want to go after four years. The man is dangerously crazy and that fact should not be taken lightly as it has been up until now when it may be too late.

"Oh, your so perfect, what have you done?"
Nothing. No one will listen to me. I don't have big tits. I don't have neat "ink". I don't drive a fancy car. I am poor, ugly, dirty, but right. I read Al-Jazeera, not the New York Times. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, fucking puppet shows!! Every anchor on every station needs to stop reading the teleprompter and say, loud as thunder, "Dear Americans, we are sorry. We should have ignored Trump, but it is not too late. Don't vote for him. He is an evil liar. He is not fit to lead a flea circus much less the free world. No one will benefit if he is elected. America as we know it will vanish. Again, we are sorry. There is no balanced way to view him. We don't care how undemocratic this may seem but this is our future. If you want to see the future do not vote for Trump. Please, forgive us. " 

But really, what should happen is what YOU deserve. I would wish it on YOU if only it could happen in a vacuum and not affect the rest of the world. No one should suffer for YOUR ignorance. Not any more than they already do suffer from YOUR greed, gluttony, and love of bloodshed. They don't deserve to hurt any longer due to YOUR inability to think rationally. YOU can't look at, listen to, read about, and then process information about an asshole hellbent on destroying any semblance of progress we have made as a species, can YOU? If YOU could he would not be here.

"Can't we just blame the right? Like FOX? They support him."
See, this is it, FOX is YOUR fault also. It should not exist. That shit on that station is so fucking far from NEWS. It is irrational dribble. None of it makes sense. Calling that NEWS is false advertising. It is misleading and dangerous. Americans have become too dumb to be trusted with decisions. (And, by the way, I am going to get my passport. I am going to start working as much as possible to save as much as possible to get the fuck out of this country and away from all of YOU Fucking IDiotS!! )
A television set should only be available to those who pass a test. It would be an easy test, say, the equivalent of a high school exit exam. If you fail, well, it's back to the books before you get your 32 inches of flat fun. This goes for video games, apps, facebook, twitter, blah, blah, ha, ha, Sorry you fucking fat fools if you don't know the basics you don't get that quick fix. Oh, and stick your 2nd amendment up your hairy do-da ass, 'cause we're yankin' those "arms" off you all the live long day. You're too dumb to read, write, add, subtract, know some history, memorize some shit, and comprehend then we'll 86 the 2nd amend. Oh, this might be unfair for those who grow up in bad areas with bad schools? Nope. Every student, no matter where they are from, will go to a great school for we'll get rid of our defense budget, pull our troops from foreign lands, employ soldiers to rebuild our inner cities, 86 all petroleum products, bankrupt hundreds of rich criminals( take their land money everything and pay off our debt), free hundreds of thousands of criminals, and empower the poor. Remember our money IS based on something. Not gold. Not silver. FAITH. Once the people have faith that their lives will get better, that they won't be ignored, that the rich can't take from them their life liberty or their happiness, then all will finally change.
Anything can happen. If all can get this fucked then the opposite must be possible.

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